Returnships: A Strategic Bridge for Career Comebacks

In today's rapidly evolving workforce landscape, professionals often encounter various career transitions, from taking breaks for personal reasons to exploring new opportunities outside traditional employment.

However, returning to work after a career gap can present unique challenges for individuals seeking to re-enter the workforce and for organizations looking to tap into experienced talent.

Enter returnships—an innovative solution bridging the career gap for workers re-entering the workforce.

Understanding Returnships

I first saw the term “returnship” in an AARP article in 2023, but I had seen this type of program in operation several years earlier. It just didn’t have the catchy name of returnship. Sometimes it was called a return-to-work program, but that phrase was heavily (and somewhat incorrectly used) post pandemic to refer to Return to Office situations.

You might see it described variously in other places as an apprenticeship or internship. An example of this is LinkedIn, which offers this route as part of their career program with applications from nontraditional technology candidates as well as career re-entrants.  

Returnships offer a structured pathway for individuals to re-engage with the workforce after a period of absence. It is a bridge back to the workforce.

These programs provide opportunities for professionals to refresh their skills, update their industry knowledge, and ease the transition back into professional settings. Returnships typically involve a combination of mentorship, training, and hands-on experience, allowing participants to regain confidence and adapt to the evolving demands of the workplace.

There is some commonality between returnships and those other employment “ships” – internships and apprenticeships. All of these programs incorporate training, mentorship, and a structured period of time. The differences are that most returnships are specified as a full-time employment opportunity with the initial onboarding period being similar to the defined employment term of an internship. You can specify that your returnship is for a limited period – with long term employment as a possibility – but you must state this clearly before the returnship begins.

Strategic Benefits for Organizations

The benefits for employees are fairly straightforward and obvious – overcoming the career-gap stigma, training refreshers, opportunities to make a career transition. But what are the selling points for the employer organization? How can you sell it to your leadership to make this investment and take a chance?

For organizations returnships offer a range of strategic benefits beyond traditional hiring practices. By participating in returnship programs, businesses can:

  1. Access a Diverse Talent Pool: Returnships provide access to a diverse pool of experienced professionals with valuable skills and expertise, enriching teams with fresh perspectives and insights. Remember age / generation is also a dimension of diversifying your workforce.

  2. Mitigate Hiring Risks: Returnships serve as a low-risk opportunity for employers to evaluate potential hires before making long-term commitments, ensuring a mutually beneficial fit for both parties.

  3. Foster a Culture of Inclusivity: By embracing returnship initiatives, organizations demonstrate their commitment to supporting professionals from diverse backgrounds and life stages, fostering a culture of inclusivity and support.

What firms are offering programs like this today? Maybe you’ve heard of a couple of these:

  • Amazon

  • LinkedIn

  • PayPal

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Accenture

  • Boeing

  • Chevron

Empowering Professionals on Their Journey

At Matson Madrid Consulting, we understand professionals' challenges when navigating career transitions. We’ve done it too. That's why we're dedicated to providing tailored support and guidance throughout the returnship process. From skills development to mentorship and networking opportunities, we're committed to empowering professionals on their journey back into the workforce.

Driving Organizational Success Through Returnships

Returnships aren't just about supporting individual professionals and driving organizational success. By embracing returnship initiatives, businesses can cultivate a culture of adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning. Returnships contribute to workforce diversity, employee engagement, and knowledge enrichment, positioning organizations for long-term success in today's dynamic business environment.

As the workforce continues to evolve, returnships offer a strategic approach to addressing the needs of workers seeking to re-enter the workforce and organizations looking to harness experienced talent. By embracing returnship initiatives, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and success.

At Matson Madrid Consulting, we're excited to see the growing number of organizations who are opening doors to returning workers and diverse career paths. We are committed to supporting professionals and organizations on their journeys to realize their full potential in today's dynamic workplace landscape.


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